Month: September 2024

Grand Donation

Provincial Grand Master, Keith Bristow, presented a cheque for £1000 on behalf of the Bucks Mark Province to the CEO of South Bucks Hospice, Nick Callaghan.Nick was absolutely delighted and sent his best wishes to the Brethren of the Bucks Mark.South Bucks Hospice is a day hospice in High Wycombe, supporting patients living with life-limiting…
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Berkshire PGL 12.09.2024

Eleven members of the Province of Buckinghamshire went to support our neighbouring Province of Berkshire at their Provincial Meeting, where our own W. Bro. Peter Moody was given the preferment to P.P.G.S.W. in the Province of Berkshire. This promotion matches Peter’s rank in our Province. It was a well-attended meeting.

Mark Grand Lodge 10.09.2024

On 10th September 2024, Brian Roake was promoted to Past Grand Junior Overseer, making him a Very Worshipful Brother.The ceremony was much enjoyed by the Brethren from Buckinghamshire, which consisted of members of the Provincial Executive and other supporting Brethren.